The announcement promises to be the most important since it began operating the Cosmic Ray Observatory Pierre Auger, located in Malargüe. The information will be presented on Thursday in the southern province is so valuable to be published Friday in the journal Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, worldwide. The organization of the international event has already begun in Mendoza, and the authorities of the Pierre Auger forward to be very important to publicize project results. On Thursday explained Beatriz García, member of the Argentina Collaboration official statement shall be known and the next day the journal Science, which this year was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, will publish the full report for all planet. The scientific meeting all the directors of the Argentine groups, national and international authorities Observatory, guiding national universities and the media will be present. In Malargüe a seminar will be held and then a panel of Argentine disertará experts emphasized Garcia. Until then, the journal Science has embargoed information. Publish them on Friday November 9, and the cover of the magazine will discuss advances in Pierre Auger, explained astronomer and group leader of the National Technological University (UTN) which is part of the Centre. Note that in this project 370 scientists from 17 countries, whose final objective is to know how they are produced and where cosmic rays come from ultra high energy involved. These are particles from outer space and hit the Earth. Cosmic rays have the highest energy recorded in nature to an elementary particle. So when they hit the atmosphere created waterfalls that create an atmospheric rain that reaches the earth and whose particles are captured in the Observatory. He began working in 2001, but the data were first addressed systematically and formally from 2004, completed García. Scientists of the Pierre Auger, last July 3, shared with the world the first raw data of cosmic ray events recorded in the local Observatory; treated one percent of the aggregated information. Los Andes published in its issue of July 4 and the presentation was made in Merida, Mexico, in the framework of the International Conference Cos-mic Rays. The journal Science is the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1900 The main objective is to publish the findings of recent research. The magazine is also known for its science-related news, a publication on science policy and other matters concerning the field of science and technology. It covers a wide range of scientific disciplines, but has a special interest in the life sciences. This year, the publication received the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities with the journal Nature, also scientific. This international scientific proposal was founded in New York by John Michaels in 1880 with financial support of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell subsequently. During the early years of the twentieth century are published in Science, items such as the genetics of the fruit fly, by Thomas Hunt Morgan, Albert Einstein articles on gravitation, and the spiral nebula, Edwin Hubble. Source: Diario Los Andes