The international scientific community issued an invitation to open with the goal of holding the key developments initiated by Galileo Galilei 400 years ago, to use the telescope for the first time in 1609 for astronomical observations sky. Therefore, the United Nations declared 2009 the International Year of Astronomy, in an attempt to generate the excitement of personal discovery, the pleasure of sharing fundamental knowledge of the universe and experience the value of scientific culture. In 2008, activities have begun and Mendoza has its own agenda. To enable the public to see the rings of Saturn or the red spot on Jupiter, three telescopes will be available at the Meteorological Observatory located in the General San Martin Park. Two of these are motile and belong to the National Technological University (NTU), while the third is fixed and is already in the observatory. In addition, lectures, videos and brochures for audiences of all ages. The purpose gestured Beatriz García, astronomer and member of the Argentina collaboration of Cosmic Ray Observatory Pierre Auger- is that the more people look at the sky, day and night, and thus bring science and technology citizens. The night observation is characteristic, but taking some precautions can also be done during the day, emphasized the coordinator in the province of activities organized by the Argentine node. Mobile telescopes will move to schools that request it and the kids can make comments and receive instruction. It will work with different observation instruments such as sundials. Construction of telescopes by students will also be encouraged. Our proposal soon reach the Directorate General of Schools (DGE), plotted Garcia. Educational materials will also deliver lectures and dictate for all ages. These activities, which will be held in different countries of the world were proposed by Italy, the birthplace of Galileo Galilei; astronomer, philosopher, mathematician and physicist who four centuries used the first telescope to make astronomical observations. This event triggered a scientific revolution which profoundly affected the way you see the world. Currently, telescopes from Earth and from space explore the Universe 24 hours, in all wavelengths of light. The great importance of their activity had made his observations are held and the UN and the International Astronomical Union support all activities, argued Marta Rovira, Ph.D. in Physics and principal investigator of CONICET, by the proposal in Argentina. With the slogan The Universe, Yours to Discover, prior to the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and went into action. So far one hundred countries are participating and Argentina have a full agenda. In our country the activity will focus on the dissemination of astronomy to the public with special emphasis on children and youth. The intention is that as many people access the experience of looking through a telescope. This does not contradict the fact that we try to profit from this very special year for us, to encourage the study of astronomy at the university level, Rovira said. The researcher said it is very important that the country understands the importance of science as one of the pillars of modern society.
Source: Journal Paola Bruno Andes