Government, academic and business entities agreed on a plan design to add value to local production. Mendoza is the first province to initiate this proceso.Queremos that the added value is incorporated into the products we sell is obtained in the province, said Guillermo Migliozzi, Minister of Production, Technology and Innovation, on the occasion of the launch of the plan to Mendoza Design executed between 2009 / 11.La puntualizó- agreed strategy provides public-private coordination to transform Mendoza in design District; taking into account that the capabilities of its people, workers, small businesses and other organizations on provinciales.Al, Undersecretary of Industrial Promotion, Jorge Giunta, added: We introduce the design and management policy at the provincial level, to promote innovation and competitiveness among small and medium enterprises. We pursue the functionary -sintetizó highest quality of work for Mendoza.En methodological gestured manager of IDC, Alejandro Martinez’s plan seeks to align productive sectors of a branch to form the value chain and addresses several areas of action. In regard to retail, he said, seeks to achieve an image and identity for commercial establishments, making them more attractive and competitive alternative shopping, leisure and esparcimiento.En regards, for example, the fashion seek to encourage small and medium enterprises in the textile and apparel sectors, footwear, leather goods and accessories to devise and incorporate design as a strategic management tool for enterprise development. he added. In signing the agreement were present William Migliozzi, Minister of Production, Technology and Innovation; Jorge Giunta, undersecretary of Industrial Promotion and Quality Management; José Poquet, MICU, Farres Cavagnaro, University of Aconcagua; Leonardo Ruppi Chamber of Commerce de Las Heras; Gladys Gonzalez, National University of Cuyo; Juan Carlos Najul, INTI; Juan José Schmidt and Michael Rosso, Universidad de Mendoza; Alberto Arias Van Lierde, ISCID, Light Arrigoni, University of Congress and Alejandro Rodríguez, IDC; among others. o Strengthen the Government Relations – University – Business, achieving synergy in actions aimed at developing local production.
o Encourage innovation and strategic design through the creation and transfer of know-how between the various actors in the value chain.
o Promote the creation of new products and differentiated systems with high added value.
or promote, design and manage ideas where to converge the project culture and corporate culture allowing efficient use of resources in the value chain.
or disseminate local and national community the importance of design in goods and services.
o Develop Design District in the province, with the aim of positioning Mendoza as a center of international design. The implementation of this plan is backed by the Undersecretary of Industrial Promotion, Technology and Services, and the Institute for Business Development (IDC) .From academia Group involved Valparaiso (Valparaiso University School of Design) Foundation, National Universities de Cuyo, Mendoza and the International Council of Societies of Industrial Desing (ISCID). Meanwhile, the nation will attend the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI). Meanwhile, the business sector is represented by Commercial and Industrial Union of Mendoza (MICU), Mendoza Economic Federation (WEF), Chamber of Commerce Business, Industry and Services of Mendoza (Cecitys), Merchants Chamber, industrial, Professional and Agricultural Las Heras, Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Tunuyán, Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture of San Martín and Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of San Rafael.