One of the most important and expected careers in Latin America, which brings together thousands of runners from all over the world.
Like the great marathons of the world, it crosses important points of attraction
tourist of the province. The circuit changes every year but always within a spectacular framework composed of landscapes between mountains; bordering important and fast flowing rivers like the recognized Mendoza River, to the side of the vineyards of Luján de Cuyo, under a magnificent grove of different fruit trees and with the mountain range of the Andes in the background.
From the start at the Hanging Bridge of the Cacheuta precordillerana, continuing through typical arid mountain landscape, passing through the vineyard areas and ending in the majestic gates of the San Martín General Park, this Marathon attracts hundreds of tourists every year who wait for it. fervor.
Place strong>: Hanging Bridge of Cacheuta, Luján de Cuyo