The World Tourism Organization (WTO) holds a meeting annually in a country that is a member of America and Argentina this year, with the province of Mendoza as a backdrop, has become the first venue for the meeting of the Regional Committee UNWTO for the Americas. They will attend the meeting in Mendoza a delegation of officials from the World Tourism Organization and members of the General Secretariat of Tourism of Spain. Also participating affiliate members in the region. The event is scheduled for 28 and 29 April this year. The commission consists of 23 full members and 3 associate members (dependent on other countries). The member countries are Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela; while Associate Members are Aruba, the Netherlands Antilles and Puerto Rico. Spain is an observer country. On occasion an open support to corporate management of micro, small and medium tourism enterprises International Seminar will also be held, scheduled for Tuesday, April 28 and where the participation of officials from the public and private sectors around expected the continent.