Böhm Mendoza introduced the Bureau versus major national benchmarks. It was in Villa La Angostura, in the 6th National Meeting Venues Destination. Thus Mendoza seeks to be the center of large conferences and conventions. The Secretary of Tourism of Mendoza, Luis Böhm, traveled to Villa La Angostura to present the brand new newly created Bureau Mendoza and support the province’s bid to host and participate in the organization of the 2013 EL COCAL same is the Federation Organizing Institutions Conference of Latin America. Furthermore, Böhm presented the new strategy of the province of Mendoza to increase their participation in national and international events. Concerning the initiative, he emphasized, is a strong commitment to the tourist traffic generated by the convention, we want Mendoza in three years is placed at the third national ranking events and conventions. In addition, the official said the works developed to achieve these objectives as the remodeling of the Auditorium Angel Bustelo, the opening of the Auditorium in San Rafael, opening of the Congress Centre Hotel Intercontinental, supporting the bid of the Congress Centre this area (San Martin) and the creation of the Bureau of Mendoza, San Rafael and Malargüe. Böhm highlighted the public and private effort being made to carry out this strategy. The 6th National Meeting Venues Destination is performing, in Neuquen, from 21 April for four days. Bureau gathers all the country that work to attract conferences and events worldwide. Its objective is to lure the Argentina and their cities. Present were the most important destinations of event venues in the country. The meeting was attended by the Secretary of Tourism of the Nation, Carlos Enrique Meyer; President AOCA (Argentina Association of Organizers and Suppliers Exhibition and Conference) and Luis Fernando Gorbarán Böhm in as Secretary of Tourism of Mendoza and Chairman of the Federal Council of Tourism; among other important figures in the national tourism.