A Traditional and Innovative when undertaking the difficult task of planting a new vineyard, the producer must always think about what the conduction system chosen will bring better results to your vine will. Among the best known is the vine and trellis high and low.
It is important to know which system will be used because it directly affects the vegetation control, erosion, heat stroke and also act on factors typicality and quality of wine. Although its main purpose is to control the shape of the plant, its microclimate and physiological balance.
The Argropecuaria National Institute of Technology (INTA) Mendoza has created a new system called Vine Training Ybm INTA to high-quality cultural services, including:
– Increases the exposed surface area and thus potential receiving solar radiation level leaves and bunches.
– Increases the potential of wine grapes and the level of production.
Allows the mechanization of cultural practices such as pruning and harvesting.
Currently experiences INTA Ybm adaptability to the transformation process of a trellised canopy division articulated and multiple delivery systems are driven culture.
The Ybm INTA has been accepted as the conduction system of the vine to produce grapes for winemaking potential high GESCO (Study Group Conduction Systems of the Vine) AGRO Montpellier, France. Rame System
Mendoza producer area Rivadavia, Louis Ramero developed an innovative driving vid where the canopy is divided and suspended. This is a structure to guide the strain so that vertically oriented cords suspended from their foliage is obtained, allowing a single row of poles grapes two beads finally obtained.
The main advantages of this system are:
– The distribution of the canopy provides ventilation that helps improve the health behavior of the crop.
– Allows the strain is balanced naturally with a uniform sprouting.
– The wine grape potential is increased with a higher level of production.
– Its design allows a significant improvement in the conditions of cultural practices, reducing costs them 40%.
– The system permits Ramé antigranizo placing cloth, without the need for great structural modifications. Saving in the cost of placing more than 50%. Scott Henry
It is basically a system of driving high trellis divided upstream and downstream vegetation. It has two separated by about 15 to 20 inches wires. It has an average height of 2 meters to be divided canopy. Its features include having fixed wires and other phones, which allow the placement of vegetation in ascending and descending order. The latter can only be placed only when the branches are approximately one meter. This method originated in the United States.
Smart Dyson
Some experts say that this system gives a harvestable fruit in the first year of cultivation and very good fruit in the second year. However, it is very similar to Scott Henry system with some modifications. It is also a high trellis driving it needs to develop nearly 1.8 meters high. The difference is that this system allows pythons both the upper cord and the lower cord. Casarsa System
It is another form of high trellis. Here the plant is driven by a unilateral cord, where they are pruned branches with free charger left. It has a height of 1.80 meters. In Argentina it was a change which now allows mixed pruning. GDC System
System known as the Geneva Double Curtain (GDC). It has a height of approximately trunk of around 1.80 m. Its structure “T” is formed by fixed wires 5 wires (including bra) and 2 phones. The vegetation is located in descending supported in moving wires with pintones down. Experts say that this is one of the systems most exposed to sunlight. Lyra
There are two kinds of this system one open and one closed at its upper structure. Lyra open, as explained in the two systems differ in the upper opening of the structure, which allows the system greater sun Open Lyra interception. Experts say that excellent quality is achieved while requiring numerous works in the vineyard.
The Lyra open system has a trunk height of 90 centimeters. Its structure is composed of 4 strands of wire per side. It has a lower opening 1m and a top opening 2 meters. The vegetation gets almost to the 1.4 meters. If the difference is closed the openings in the upper portions only of 1.30 meters, while on the bottom is 80 cm. Source: Wine Area